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About the Recipe cart


The Recipe cart was an idea we came up with when we realized that our meal living alone was not as pleasant nor anywhere near heartily as our family’s dishes. This is why we decided to make a platform that helps teach, not just university students but also any of you who have to live alone and survive independently, how to cook. Furthermore, grocery shopping can be boring sometimes, so we added characters that may portray some of you in university to make grocery shopping less boring but more lively and fun!

We, also, support the local sellers so the fresh fruits and vegetables are from the farm across Thailand - which we ensure that those are 100% organic and fresh. 


Meet the star of Recipe Cart
Open Peeps - Bust.png

He's that guy who would get his ish done a month before the deadline. Work hard so boom, of course, GPA 4. But he wouldn't survive without the 'road to GPA 4.0' bundle.

Open Peeps - Bust (1).png

She's the girl who falls asleep in class but still manages to get her work done. How?!? She stayed up all night to do it DUH. She also couldn't survive without a 'wake up call' bundle that gives her nutritious breakfast and also, of course, a reason to wake up ><

The type of guy who have zero clue on what's going on in class. But how does he manage to pass and get a good grade? That's a secret you'll never know. JK, it's because his lunch gave him clue. You would never know unless you ordered the 'clueless club' bundle ;)

Open Peeps - Bust (3).png

She got that RBF, but is she resting? Def not! She's dead inside from all the assignments and midterm due next week. O-M-G So, be a nice friend and order a 'before you go' bundle to put her in a better mood before she goes to bed without eating anything.

Open Peeps - Bust (2).png

Meet the Founders


Hnin Nu Nandar

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Digital marketing manager


Zin Wint War Aung

  • Instagram

Customer service representative


May Thet Chan

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Finance and accounting manager


May Thazin Kyaw

  • Instagram

Logistics manager


Saint Sande Nwe

  • Instagram

Web developer


Wint Hmone Thant

  • Instagram

Digital operations manager

Eco-friendly packaging

Fast Delivery

Ensure freshness

Not only are we helping you out with your meal but we are also helping our world out by being eco-friendly and avoid plastic and all those nasty things!

We will try to deliver as fast as we can so the product is fresh. 6 hours is the fastest you will have to wait but it won't be longer than 2 days either!

Wonder where our fruits and vegetables? It grows within Thailand. It is harvested with the love from the local farmers. What's warmer? Their smile or winter in Thai?

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